Apr 6, 2023Liked by Mikkel Paulson

Well said, Mikkel! I will suggest that you evaluate this statement more: "The Environmental movement has not adapted to the reality that environmental review and local opposition is now the greatest threat to renewable energy not the fossil fuel industry." This is not accurate. I think you were maybe going for hyperbole? That said, I think the topic of improving the environmental review process is a really important one! I encourage you to dig deeper on that.

Keep up the good work!

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Thank you for the feedback. I agree that statement is redundant. Sweeping generalizations can be effective rhetorically but are rarely fair or accurate. The environmental movement is very large and diverse and there are many environmental groups, leaders, and activists that are leading the way on this issue. Otherwise, I would not have learned about this subject! Additionally, as some friends who live in cites have been quick to remind me, the environmental review process is often not strong enough as is, with factories continuing to be built near low-income residential areas.

That being said, I do think there is a powerful element of the environmental review movement that does fit the description in my article. I think it is represented in the examples I presented, and I find versions of that view common among Eckerd students who will be my primary audience.

I think the NIMBY-YIMBY debates are among the most under looked, interesting, and important issue out there and I will probably write about it again as I read about it. But it is on me as a writer to make it clear, accurate, and fair to all viewpoints in the future. Thank you again!

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